Two recent graduates and one current student of Yale Law School’s Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) have served or will serve as law clerks to four separate...
On September 13, Australia’s Ali Cobby Eckermann (Yankunytjatjara) received the 2017 Windham-Campbell Literary Prize in poetry from Yale University, one of the world’s...
Mohegan Linguist Stephanie Fielding will be in residence at Yale throughout the Fall semester, teaching two classes, including one on Mohegan. The Linguistics Department is...
On August 11, 2017, two YGSNA members, Holly Guise and Tiffany Hale, attended the inaugural Digital Knowledge Sharing Workshop hosted at the American Philosophical Society...
In March, Anthony Trujillo (Okhay Owingeh Pueblo, NM) was selected as the Yale Group for the Study of Native America (YGSNA) representative for the Newberry’s Consortirum for...
At this year’s Commencement, Mashpee Wampanoag linguist and Tribal Council Vice President Jessie Little Doe Baird was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in the Social Sciences....
For the academic year of 2017-2018, Jameson “Jimmy” Sweet (Lakota/Dakota) will be at Yale for a postdoctoral fellowship in the History Department and the Program in Ethnicity...