Joshua Reid Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow (2010/2011) josh.reid@umb.edu |
Boyd Cothran Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2010/2011) cothran@yorku.ca |
Clifford Atleo Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2014/2015) 35 Broadway, 201M clifford.atleo@yale.edu Phone: (203) 432-6341 |
Shanondora Billiot, Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2016/2017) 35 Broadway (rear entrance), 201M shanondora.billiot@yale.edu Phone: (203) 432-6341 |
Tendayi Bloom Postdoctoral Associate in the MacMillan Center 34 Hillhouse Ave, New Haven, CT 06511-8936 tendayi.bloom@yale.edu |
Tasce Bongiovanni Postdoc Fellow Int Med Clinical Scholars 333 Cedar St, New Haven, CT 06510-3206 tasce.bongiovanni@yale.edu Phone: 203-785-7944 |
Jennifer Davis Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2011/2012) Jennifer.Davis@colorado.edu Website |
Adam Gaudry Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2012/2013) 35 Broadway adam.gaudry@usask.ca Website |
Kaitlin McCormick Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Native American Art and Curation kaitlin.mccormick@yale.edu |
Sequoia Miller sequoia.miller@yale.edu |
Natasha Myhal, Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing Fellow (2022/2023) natasha.myhal@yale.edu |
Jennifer O'Neal Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2019) jenniferoneal@gmail.com |
Meredith Palmer UC-Berkeley; 2019 Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing Fellow mapalmer@berkeley.edu |
Rachel Purvis Postdoc Assoc History 320 York St, New Haven, CT 06511-3627 rachel.purvis@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-9205 |
Adam Spry Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2013/2014) adam.spry@yale.edu Phone: (203) 432-6341 |
Stephanie Teves Postdoctoral Fellow 320 York St, New Haven, CT 06511-3627 stephanie.teves@yale.edu |
Natahnee Winder Henry Roe Cloud Fellow (2015/2016) 35 Broadway, 201M natahnee.winder@yale.edu Phone: (203) 432-6341 |