On Thursday, July 21st founding YGSNA member Dr. Michael Kral (Wayne State U.) and YGSNA faculty coordinator Ned Blackhawk (History and American Studies) joined the Society...
More than a dozen current and former members of the Yale Group for the Study of Native American recently traveled to Hawaii for the annual meeting of the Native American and...
At Yale’s 2016 Commencement, YGSNA member Isaiah Wilner was awarded the Theron Rockwell Field Prize for his History Department dissertation, “Raven Cried for Me: Narratives...
Health disparities have long plagued Native American communities, families, and individuals, leading many Native American professional health experts to proclaim physical...
In March, YGSNA graduate student member Naomi Sussman (History) joined the Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) for a graduate student workshop entitled “...
The Native American Language Project (NALP) worked in partnership with the United Nations Global Colloquium of University Presidents (UNGCUP) to host four Native language...
On Saturday, April 2nd, Indigenous studies scholars from across North America gathered at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City for a day-long symposium entitled, “The...