Anjelica Gallegos, M.Arch I, 2021

Anjelica Gallegos's picture
Anjelica S. Gallegos, Jicarilla Apache Nation and Pueblo of Santa Ana, helps to recharge
architecture, pushing frontiers of design and functionality in threatened places as the Southwest
and Arctic. Gallegos graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and
minor in Photography from the University of Colorado Denver. Currently, she is accomplishing
her Master’s degree at the Yale School of Architecture. Anjelica is an advocate for Indigenous
and environmental rights at the national level including at the White House Tribal Nations
Conference. Gallegos served as an Ambassador of President Obama’s Generation Indigenous
(Gen-I) initiative to create opportunity for Native youth. Anjelica transforms physical, structural,
and spiritual spaces to advance and energize Indigenous Peoples and the natural world.