YGSNA and the Rothermere American Institute’s first conference: “Transnational Futures in Indigenous Histories” at Oxford

June 24, 2013
Convened by Pekka Hämäläinen, Professor of American History, Oxford University, and Ned Blackhawk, Professor of American History & American Studies, Yale University.
Seventeen members from the YGSNA community presented at the “Transnational Futures in Indigenous Histories” conference at Oxford from June 24-25.
Graduate students and faculty presented their scholarship on indigenous histories from across North America, South America, and Europe. Presentations and interdisciplinary discussions ranged from indigenous: activism, anthropology, bio-habitats, boarding schools, (de)colonial archives, de-colonized methodologies, medicine, and museum studies.
On June 26, Coll Thrush led a tour of the British Museum.
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